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G-Pokeporn v2.1 - Gary Oak !Archivex5
Porn > Pictures
324.65 MiB (340419480 Bytes)
Gary Oak Pokemon Furry archive gay
2011-09-18 05:03 GMT

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Archive Readme.txt

Gary Oak\'s

   ___       __                            ___           __   _         
  / _ \\___  / /_____ ___  ___  _______    / _ | ________/ /  (_)  _____ 
 / ___/ _ \\/  \'_/ -_) _ \\/ _ \\/ __/ _ \\  / __ |/ __/ __/ _ \\/ / |/ / -_)
/_/   \\___/_/\\_\\\\__/ .__/\\___/_/ /_//_/ /_/ |_/_/  \\__/_//_/_/|___/\\__/ 

Version 2.1

At the time of this finalized version at 9/17/2011, the Archive has been downloaded 32,861 times.

This will be a 2 part update. I will add in the new pictures now, then go through with a sweep of the archive itself for 2.1 which should also be released by the end of this month/next month.

Name: ---------------- Gary Oak !Archivex5.
Email: ---------------  (Yes I DO actually check this!)
Updates: -------------


I, Gary Oak !Archivex5., am not responsible for the actions of Anonymous with this archive of pokeporn. If you wish to have a picture, flash animation, movie, or work of fiction removed, please
fuck off kindly.


The main reason I made this was to combat porn threads by giving those who want to fap, a whole collection of porn that would normally be on /vp/. I don\'t care how you use it, hell, post it on /vp/. But it\'s probably a better idea to just fap to yourself anyways. Please share the /rs/ link in porn threads, optionally sage and report.


                                         SHARING IS CARING!


Q: Why is there no M+M gay?
A: It\'s in a different part of the Archive. Check here

Q: Something is in the wrong place!
A: Don\'t panic, drop an email and I\'ll get it fixed right away. Simply send the name of the file in the email, and I\'ll take care of it.

Q: Why is there so much shit in this?
A: I\'m too lazy to do a sweep this time. Maybe the next version will be fixed somewhat.

Q: Why is there a lot of X pokemon/character compared to Y pokemon/character?
A: Some pokemon/characters just don\'t have that much porn. Sorry bro.

Q: Why is there Digimon in the Archive?
A: It\'s a joke.

Q: Can I have some of your real contact info?
A: No. I check my emails often. Use that.

Q: What\'s your waifu?
A: Blaziken. Hnngh.

Q: Gary? Posting porn?
A: Yes, it\'s called irony.

Q: What can I do to help?
A: A thank you and a .7z of all of your pokeporn onwould be nice.

Useful Tools

7-Zip: Better than WinRAR/zip and FREE!

uTorrent: Piracy ahoy! Also, a neat tool for fast legit downloads too! I recommend the v2.X, though v3.0 works fine too.

4chanX: A nifty CSS script that adds a lot of user options on 4chan such as refresh, backlinks and quick posting. It requires greasemonkey on Firefox/Nightly, and Chrome/ium users can install it right away.

Garynator: The program I used to sort most of the archive. It\'s many times faster than sorting manually and saved hours of labor. Full keyboard support, and a navigation mode for easy viewing. Still in a beta, but it\'s still quite workable. Courtesy of wat. For the Archive, it is in navigation mode by default. DDL users can find it as a DDL .7z on the /rs/ page.

You can find the program and Readme in the Garynator folder, or for torrent users, in the root folder for the archive.


- v2.0 and below.
Can be viewed in older versions.

- v2.1
Possible: Added maybe 10-30 pictures. Nobody sends me anything.
Total size: 324MB

- v2.2
Possible: Individual folders for certain pokemon/boys
Total size: Unknown

Credits and Thanks

- Every artist that has created everything in here. Without you guys, there\'d be nothing in the first place!
- wat, for making the Garynator program, sorting so much porn, and being a cool guy.
- Keith, qnqnx, Kris, Trainer With a Mouth, Sofa, Kirk, Reginald, wat, Raging Furfag, and Anonymous for content.
- Lyraeon with FFA and Cap, Courteousfag, and FilteredCoffee with wwyr (IRC at #wwyr)
- Pornodex Guy, Zalgo, Unown, The Boogie, Courteousfag, and Alex for being pretty cool guys.
- Anonymous, for helping contribute and supporting the project.
- The Falcon, for inspiring me to make my own copypasta resource to help reduce annoying threads. And for making the best /g/uide ever.

And of course, You for downloading.


I never asked for this.