Details for this torrent 

Audio > Music
2.32 GiB (2493750278 Bytes)
trance pack Warlord
2009-06-20 21:54 GMT

Info Hash:

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Files info

Format : MP3 
Source : Vinyl
Bitrate : 320 kbit
Genre : Dance, trance
Recorded date : 2009
Writing library : LAME 3.90.3 Modified / LAME3.97 
Comment : UKHx

This package contains:

Adam Foley - Distortion (Ex Driver Remix)
Adam Foley - Distortion (Gordon Coutts Remix)
Adam Foley - Distortion (Liam Melly Remix)
Adam Foley - Distortion (Original Mix)
Adam Foley - Distortion (Sunset Remix)
Alan M - Winter Rain (Alan M Rework)
Alan M - Winter Rain (Stan Void Remix)
Alan M - Winter Rain
Amster Dyen Pres. Airplay 47 - Be Free (Anguilla Project's Thoughtful Remix)
Amster Dyen Pres. Airplay 47 - Be Free (Mat Zo Remix)
Amster Dyen Pres. Airplay 47 - Be Free (Original Mix)
Amster Dyen Pres. Airplay 47 - Be Free (Sovve Dub Mix)
Amster Dyen Pres. Airplay 47 - Be Free (Xspective Sense Pres Afecto Remix)
Amster Dyen Pres. Airplay 47 - Karma (Original Mix)
Andy Duguid - Neremiah
Andy Duguid - Signals
Arpi - Into The Abyss (Club Mix)
Arpi - Into The Abyss (Intro Mix)
BT - Rose of Jericho (BT Album Mix)
BT - Rose of Jericho (Robbie Rivera Remix)
BT - Rose of Jericho (Sultan & Ned Shepard Remix)
Baz Lalor - Nebula
Baz Lalor - Solaris
CarlBStaticBlue - Sunstruck-FirestormPresCollTollandRemix
CarlBStaticBlue-Sunstruck -Firestorm (JPLRemix)
ClAud9 - Rain (Coldharbour Rework Dub)
ClAud9 - Rain (Coldharbour Rework)
Daniel Wanrooy - To The Horizon And Back _Original Mix
Daniel Wanrooy - To The Horizon And Back _Ron Van Den Beuken Remix
Darren Tate - Reverse The Silence
Darren Tate - When The Morning Comes
Eleven Five - Finding Hope _Cressida Remix
Eleven Five - Finding Hope _Eric Shaw Remix
Eleven Five - Finding Hope _Mobilize Remix
Eleven Five - Finding Hope _Original Mix
FKN - Unreal To Me (Activa Club Mix)
FKN - Unreal To Me (Activa Edit)
FKN - Unreal To Me (Activa Instrumental Mix)
FKN - Unreal To Me (Corderoy & Bury Dub)
FKN - Unreal To Me (Corderoy & Bury Edit)
FKN - Unreal To Me (Corderoy & Bury Remix)
FKN - Unreal To Me (Jona Prado Remix)
FKN - Unreal To Me (Original Instrumental Mix)
FKN - Unreal To Me (Original Vocal Mix)
G-Sky Versus Vosch - Unperfecta _G Sky Re Active Remix
G-Sky Versus Vosch - Unperfecta _Original Mix
G-Sky Versus Vosch - Unperfecta _Skytech Remix
Galen Behr & Leon Bolier - Wet Dream (Dub Mix)
Galen Behr & Leon Bolier - Wet Dream (Original Mix)
Guiseppe Ottaviani & Santiago Nino - Beyond Your Thoughts (Progressive Mix)
Heatbeat & Santiago Nino - Resaka
Lee Canning Pres Lmt - Elemental _Avenger Remix
Lee Canning Pres Lmt - Elemental _Ben Gold Remix
Lee Canning Pres Lmt - Elemental _Original Mix
Marcel Van Eyck - Unique (Original Mix)
Marcel Van Eyck - Unique (Steve Birch Remix)
Marcel Van Eyck - Unique (Steve Birch Remix)
Mark Versluis and Sonai Ten Berg - Becherovka (Paul Rigel Remix)
Mark Versluis and Sonai Ten Berg - Becherovka (Suncatcher Remix)
Mark Versluis and Sonai Ten Berg - Becherovka
Michael Angelo Feat Jenry R - Disconnected _Aquile And Tb Remix
Michael Angelo Feat Jenry R - Disconnected _Blue And Black Remix
Michael Angelo Feat Jenry R - Disconnected _Dub Mix
Michael Angelo Feat Jenry R - Disconnected _Myon And Shane 54 Dub Mix
Michael Angelo Feat Jenry R - Disconnected _Myon And Shane 54 Radio Edit
Michael Angelo Feat Jenry R - Disconnected _Myon And Shane 54 Vocal Mix
Michael Angelo Feat Jenry R - Disconnected _Original Mix
Michael Angelo Feat Jenry R - Disconnected _Plant Remix
Mike Koglin Feat Tania Laila - Find Me (Genix Dub Rerub)
Mike Koglin Feat Tania Laila - Find Me (Genix Vocal Remix)
Mike Koglin Feat Tania Laila - Find Me (Khaomeha Dub)
Mike Koglin Feat Tania Laila - Find Me (Khaomeha Remix)
Mike Mikhjian - The Everlasting Tale
Neal Scarborough - Wiretap (Jan Oostdyk Boxfix)
Neal Scarborough - Wiretap (Original Mix)
Nurettin Colak - What Happened (Addex Deep Light Remix)
Nurettin Colak - What Happened (Invisible Sounds Remix)
Nurettin Colak - What Happened
Paul Van Dyk - Nothing But You [Super8 & Tab Remix]
Philip Jensen - Highfry (Alternative Mix)
Philip Jensen - Highfry (Dennis De Laat Mix)
Philip Jensen - Highfry (Original Mix)
Philippe El Sisi - Never After
Philippe El Sisi - Witness
R.E.N.O.I.S.E - Dead Wishes
RB - Insider (Eddie Sender Remix)
RB - Insider
 Riva Vs Bart Claessen - Stringer (Bart Claessen Tek Bootleg)
Riva Vs Bart Claessen - Stringer (Bart Claessen Tek Dubleg)
Santiago Nino - Copacabana
Santiago Nino - Evil Bug
Santiago Nino - Hotel Cocktail (Thomas Penton Remix)
Santiago Nino - In The Woods
Santiago Nino - Limousine (Dub Edit)
Santiago Nino - Motion
Santiago Nino - Murder Of The Clown
Santiago Nino - Poseidon
Sequentia - Never Tell You (Original Mix) 
Sequentia - Secret Eyes (Arp Mix) 
Sequentia - Secret Eyes (Original Mix)
Sky Motion - All the Time (Arctic Moon Remix)
Sky Motion - All the Time (Frank Tide Remix)
Sky Motion - All the Time
Stowers & Young - Ocean (Original Mix)
Stowers & Young - Ocean (Progressive Mix)
Stowers & Young - Ocean (Rozza Remix)
Stowers & Young - Ocean (Sly One Vs Jurrane Remix)
Tempo Giusto - Atomic Clock (Ayuda & Hind Remix)
Tempo Giusto - Atomic Clock
Tempo Giusto - Narc
Tempo Giusto - Puff The Dragon
TyDi - Amazing (Original Mix)
TyDi - Closer Than My Breath (Original Mix)
TyDi - Everything's OK (Original Mix)
TyDi - Foolish (Original Mix)
TyDi - How Much Longer (Original Mix)
TyDi - I Like, You Like (Original Mix)
TyDi - Interlude (Original Mix)
TyDi - Is It Cold? (Original Mix) 
TyDi - Kopi Susu (Original Mix)
TyDi - Let You Go (Original Mix)
TyDi - Look Closer (Original Mix)
TyDi - Meet Me In Kyoto (Original Mix)
TyDi - Mind Games (Original Mix)
TyDi - Russia! (Original Mix)
TyDi - Under The Stars (Original Mix)
Type 41 - Serenity (Original Mix)
Type 41 - Serenity (Tempo Giustos Club Progressive Edit)
Union Jack - Papillon (Instrumental Mix)
Union Jack - Papillon (Original Mix)
Vadim Zhukov - I Was I Am (Jahawi Remix)
Vadim Zhukov - I Was I Am (Original Mix)
Vadim Zhukov - Wake Up
Wilson & Matt Smallwood & Ingram - Perfect Sunrise (Alex Kenji Dub Mix)
Wilson & Matt Smallwood & Ingram - Perfect Sunrise (Alex Kenji Mix)
Wilson & Matt Smallwood & Ingram - Perfect Sunrise (D-Unity Remix)
Wilson & Matt Smallwood & Ingram - Perfect Sunrise (Original Mix)